
Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8th - Day 28

Free Day!! Today was our one and only absolutely free day. The only drawback is that it fell on a Sunday when most things are closed. It's the craziest thing - the whole city shuts down. All the markets, most of the shops, cafes and restaurants are closed. I really wanted to sleep in, but alas that was not to be as I had to do laundry and the only time slot available was 7! I did manage a little cat nap after my laundry was done.

Around 11 am I and a few others decided to head to the touristy area around the acropolis to do some souvenir shopping - this area never closes! We only made it a few hours though as it was so beastly hot. Most days are in the 90s or 100s and there is no AC. I have come to associate Athens with sweat. We headed back to Loring to relax and decided that we were going to venture out for Thai food for dinner. Takki is an excellent cook, but the Greeks do not use a lot of spices in their cooking, and since the staff is off on Sundays we thought it would be an excellent chance to try something new. We had to walk through a kind of sketchy part of town to get to the restaurant, but it was worth it because the curry was excellent!

One crazy cab ride later, we were back at Loring Hall. The cab drivers here are crazier than the ones in NYC and I had a few minor heart attacks, but we made it in one piece. Tomorrow it's back to the Agora and National Archaeological Museum.

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