
Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7th - Day 27

Today was another heaving driving day as we made our way back to Athens. We left Olympia around 8 am and made our way to the Patras Archaeological Museum. It is a beautiful museum and was only built about 3 years ago. There were some really interesting finds displayed, including some really beautiful glass works and mosaics. The only problem the museum was that it wasn't full. It had two floors, but only had exhibits on part of the first floor. I'm sure that more will be added as new artifacts are published.

After the museum it was another 2 hours before we reached the site of Perachora. Perachora is located on a beautiful cove and is a site were sailors used to come and make dedications at the Temple of Hera for safe travels. Some of the ruins are still visible, but today most people go there to swim. After touring the site we had a short swim break and then it was back on the bus.

We arrived back at Loring Hall around 5:30 pm. The ladies that run the kitchen were sweet enough to save us some food. They do not generally work on Saturday evenings or Sundays, but they made a point to make sure that we would have food when we got back. After an early dinner it was time to unpack. We all met up for Ouzo hour (or gin and tonic hours for me :)) and then it was off to bed for me. 

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