
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20th - Day 10

We stared the day by heading to Gournia, a Late Minoan I settlement. It is believed that this settlement developed as a commercial and economic center due to its location on major trade routes between Greece and Asia. Most of the ruins that we can see today date back to the final period of occupation, around the 15th century. The site was originally excavated by Harriet Boyd, one of the first female archaeologists to direct a major site dig in Greece, between 1901 and 1904.
After Gournia, we headed over to Mallia, the site of a Minoan palace dating back to 1900 BC. It was originally excavated in 1915 by the French Archaeological School at Athens. We then headed over to the Iraklion Museum, but it turned out to be closed for some reason...

Most of us spent the remainder of the afternoon relaxing at the hotel. Later that evening, after siesta time was over, we all headed out to explore the surrounding town and grab dinner. I had lamb chops...they were amazing!!

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